❄️ NixOS configuration ❄️
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🚀 About
My personal NixOS configuration file.
It contains hardware/software configurations for setting up my personal/work machines.
As of this moment, I haven’t yet reached the point of deploying VMs using Nix, meaning that this configuration IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
Please don’t try to copy-paste the configuration on your own machine and try to understand it first for the following reasons:
- It simply won’t work, due to the difference in hardware configuration between my machines and yours (for example gpu drivers, device IDs)
- You won’t learn much doing that, and later when you want to change something in your config it’ll be harder for you to achieve that
- This config structure is made by my personal taste, not yours … and if some certain functionalities are either missing or badly implemented - then you would need to fork my repo and make your desired change in your version. Nevertheless, I’m more than open to suggestions for improvements, so please feel free to open an issue!
🎉 Getting started
To get started, first run make setup
for the script to label your nixos partition devices and enable secure boot.
Follow the prompts when asked in the process.
🧐 How-to: Create new user
- Generate a hashed password for the user by executing
mkpasswd --method=sha-512
and put it in the initialHashedPassword
- Create a directory with name of your user at
and under that, create default.nix
(you can copy default.nix
content from ikostov2 and enable/disable the programs you need for your user)
- Build your system and home manager (e.g
make build
- You are all set!
🏝️ Environment
Structure details
| Type | Program |
| :------------- | :----------: |
| Editor | [NeoVim](https://neovim.io/) |
| Launcher | [Rofi](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi) |
| Shell | [Zsh](https://ohmyz.sh/) |
| Status Bar | [i3status-rust](https://github.com/greshake/i3status-rust) |
| Terminal | [Alacritty](https://alacritty.org/) |
| Window Manager | [I3WM](https://i3wm.org/) |
| File Manager | [PcmanFM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCMan_File_Manager) |
| GTK Theme | [Adwaita](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adwaita_(design_language)) |
| GTK Icon Theme | [Rose-pine](https://github.com/rose-pine/gtk) |
| Terminal Font | [OxProto Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads) |
🧪 Used Nix features
- home-manager
- flakes
- flake-parts
- sops-nix
🏗️ Structure
├── _config.yml
├── archive
├── assets
├── config.nix
├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── flakes
├── garnix.yml
├── home
├── hosts
├── Makefile
├── programs
├── README.md
├── scripts
├── secrets
└── wallpaper.jpg
- archive: not used in building the system. It stores the initial configuration of NixOS when first installed. (you can ignore this part)
- assets: used for storing media files, related to markdown documentation
- config.nix: An attribute set, containing all of the user and host specific configuration, that is consumed by the home and hosts module
- flake.lock: auto generated file, when building the system along with an argument of
. Used for pinning down the specific versions of the Nix dependencies, that are listed under flake.nix
- flake.nix: file for declaring all of the Nix specific dependencies/features (flake-parts, home-manager, nixpkgs, etc.). It is also the entry point for importing the user/system flakes
- flakes: used for storing all of the modularized flakes, that is consumed by flake-parts
- home: used for storing all the user environments (Joe’s PC, Jane’s PC, etc.)
- hosts: used for storing the hardware specifications of the hosts machines
- Makefile: automation script for aliasing Nix CLI commands in a more user-friendly way
- programs: contains the user/system type of packages
- wallpaper.jpg: background photo for i3wm
🧑💻 Commands
Before starting to execute make
commands, make sure to change the value of DEFAULT_USER
to your preffered username, located in Makefile
Command |
Description |
make help |
Show available commands with their description |
make home-update |
Build your home configuration |
make sys-update- |
Build your system configuration |
make flake-upgrade |
Upgrade flake dependencies |
make flake-check |
Validate flake.nix |
make flake-meta |
Output the flake input dependencies in a tree format |
make clean |
Remove system and user generations |
make gen |
Show all user generations |
make setup |
Setup your system |
🌱 Setup
The hardware specific configuration is most likely not going to properly work on your system, so please make sure after you install my configuration and immediately change the bootloader and file system values (located at config.nix
) with your appropriate values!
Show instructions
Install for work laptop (Thinkpad p53) or desktop PC (AMD).
1. Work laptop
nixos-rebuild switch --flake github:iliyan-kostov9/nixos-config#hosts-work-laptop
2. Desktop PC
nixos-rebuild switch --flake github:iliyan-kostov9/nixos-config#hosts-personal-desktop
Afterwards enter `config.nix` and change the values of the file system and bootloader to the ones you currently have.
You can also change the default username to your preferred one.
🤝 Acknowledgments
This configuration structure was inspired by contributions from the Nix community:
🔍️ References
This section helped me better understand Nix package manager and Nix language.
Please have a read on them!
📚 Docs
📄 Package and template links
:art: Assets
📃 License
This product is licensed under GNU General Public License